Abrahamson Relay Captured 2018 Muckleshoot Gold Cup
$67,000 in Total Payouts!
Auburn, WA – Twenty-one of the nation’s fastest Indian Relay teams have been confirmed for the fourth annual Muckleshoot Gold Cup at Emerald Downs. The three-day event—worth $67,000 in purses—will be held Friday, June 14, Saturday, June 15, and Sunday, June 16.
Teams representing eight Indian Nations from six states and one province will be competing in 2019. Abrahamson Relay of Omak, Washington, will be defending its 2018 Gold Cup championship.
In Indian Relay—the nation’s oldest sport with a history that goes back 500 years—teams race twice around Emerald Downs’ one-mile oval, exchanging horses each half-mile.
The Muckleshoot Tribe will host the event as the owners and operators of Emerald Downs, with the Muckleshoot Casino sponsoring the competition. There will be three relay races each day along with full cards of live Thoroughbred races.
Emerald Downs’ admission is just $9 for adults, and ages 17 and under admitted free. Box seats can be purchased in advance by calling 253-288-7711. More information is available at www.emeralddowns.com.
Emerald Downs, located in Auburn, WA, is the premier Thoroughbred racetrack in the Northwest. The 2019 season continues through September 22.
2019 Muckleshoot Gold Cup
Confirmed Teams
Abrahamson Relay, Omak, WA
Black Rock Express, Browning, MT
Carlson Relay, Browning MT
Cayuse Express, Nespelem, WA
Cedar Ridge, Blackfoot, ID
Goes Ahead Pretty, Hardin, MT
Grizzly Mountain, Omak, WA
Lakota Warpath, Oglala, SD
Little Badger, Browning, MT
Mountain Crow Relay, Hardin, MT
Mountain River, Dodson, MT
Northern Cree, Goodfish Lake, AB
Northwest Express, Omak, WA
Omak Express, Omak, WA
Pikunii Express, Browning, MT
Redman Relay, Ethete, WY
River Road Relay, Crow Agency, MT
S/M Express, Lodge Grass, MT
Starr School, Browning, MT
Tissidimit, Fort Hall, ID
Umatilla Express, Pendleton, OR